How the hospitality Industry can bounce back from Coronavirus.
Hello everybody! It’s been a little while since my last blog. I hope you are keeping safe and well as we all try to navigate our way through this very difficult time. I think it would be safe to say that this is probably the most difficult challenge to face the international hospitality community in a generation, one which we did not see coming, but now one which we must push through with our end goal in mind… To get back to normality as quickly as possible and revive our temporarily flattened livelihoods.
In a sense, there is some comfort in knowing we're all going through this battle together, and we, of course, all want the very best for each other!
As I now, like many millions around the world, sit at home, I thought that perhaps I would have a little brainstorm. I have come up with a few common-sense initiatives we could take as either business owners, employers or employees that could be implemented on our return to the workplace, once we have finally reached the other side of our current situation.
My suggestions are aimed primarily at UK businesses, but there would be no reason to think that the same measures couldn’t be adopted worldwide?
Volunteering and Reduced Working Hours
Volunteering_during_coronavirusAccepting that working hours are likely to be reduced temporarily upon returning to work and planning your personal finances in advance to accommodate that, would help alleviate money worries and save disappointment. We all HAVE to be practical. If businesses are not fully back on track to begin with and consumer confidence is down, hours to will likely be down. I have already volunteered to give my employers a days free labour when I return, to help with setting back up. Imagine the positive impact if everybody offered to do this? I would imagine, collectively, it would make a massive difference!
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Download BrochureSetting up and Deep Cleaning
Common sense would suggest that the first task for all businesses, big and small, would be the setting back up and then the thorough cleaning and disinfecting of the premises. My thinking being that this could all be carried out during our first ‘free day of labour’? A briefing should, of course, be given to all staff prior to this, to discuss the essential need to respect and maintain the ‘2-metre’ distance between staff whenever possible and to continue with regular hand washing and general due diligence carrying out ALL duties. I would imagine the government will give us all guidance on this issue at the time, and I think this safety measure will likely be in place for some while. The most important thing will be for people not to get COMPLACENT when returning to their daily routine.